Women Slot Online Poker Players Step Into The Spotlight

There is no reason for women not to be able to compete on equal footing against men playing a game that requires brains and not brawn. Several Situs Slot women are among the top players in the game today, including Cat Hulbert and Barbara Enright, who has a trio of World Series of Poker championship gold bracelets adorning her wrist and the distinction of being the first woman poker player ever to make the final table at the World Series of Poker main event.

Even so, the popularity of poker as Togel Hongkongtelevision entertainment has reached such heights that Binion’s Horseshoe Casino & Hotel in downtown Las Vegas has announced it will be the site of the inaugural Women’ Poker Club Showdown Tournament September 9 through 11.


The Women’ Poker Club (WPC) lists 700 members among its ranks. Many women players who find live poker room play intimidating and unfriendly have found online casinos to be a suitable alternative for their passion. For some, the upcoming Las Vegas tournament will be their first experience in a “brink and mortar” environment.

“Many men seem to feel that women are easy targets at the poker table,” said Maryanne Morrison, president of the WPC. “Yet our WPC tournaments have proved tougher competition than most mixed events I have participated in. Women are outstanding contenders in this sport.”

The main event at Togel HongkongBinion’s will be a No Limit Texas Hold’em Tournament on Saturday, September 11. The buy-in of $100 plus $25 will create a prize pool estimated at over $10,000.

“It will be an exhilarating three days, with optional poker classes and social events built into the tournament agenda,” Morrison said. “Many Togel Hongkongmembers know each other from playing online and sharing strategy in our forum. The WPC Vegas Showdown will give them a chance to met and compete face to face. This is the next step in encouraging more women to be immersed in poker and leveling the playing field.”

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